Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sometimes You Have To Park The Boat

I'm sitting here this morning in what I call my man shed. It's my place for grunting, chest beating, and all things man. My fortress of solitude of sorts you might say. My tools, my smokers, my lawn mower, and most importantly, my boat. My boat was my fathers before he passed just short of 4 years ago. I suppose that's a short time in some measures but to me it seems like an eternity as I would do near anything to spend some time with Dad.

It is the dawn of the 2012 College Game Day season kickoff . As I've written in past posts, this takes me to a place of fond memories of my father. Our love for football was a special bond and we spent a lot of time in the fall watching the Georgia Bulldogs or listening to Larry Munson rant on the radio in the heat of a dove field on this opening day. Often we would cook up a feast of tailgating splendor and spend the day watching football until we fell asleep in the living room under the glow of ESPN highlights.

This morning at 4:30 AM I rose and set out to the shed to start the smokers in traditional fashion. Boston Butt, beef ribs, brats and my should be famous HWY 41 Smoked Beans are on the menu today. Kickoff is shortly after noon and I'm anxious to see the Dawgs sharpen their teeth on Buffalo to get our first look at the 2012 Georgia Bulldogs.

As the Butt first starts to rise in temperature the sun hasn't risen yet. I'm enjoying my second cup of coffee and reading some scripture with my chair leaning back against the boat.

Aside from football my father and I spend countless hours fishing whether it was in a pond, river, lake or ocean. We loved it and my father spent the last few years of his life doing as much fishing as he did anything else. When he passed I figured I would continue where he left off with the possession of his boat and a lake a few miles down the road. For the first 6 months or so I did exactly that. Then in a time of being lost in mourning and desperation the best thing that ever happened to me happened. I became a Christ follower. When I did, I dropped everything and went head first into my walk with Christ and I'm still there today. I got involved in a satellite church launch and I'm very passionate about the church and it's success to reach lost souls - People that are lost just as I was less than 4 years ago.

With that commitment, the boat doesn't leave the shed that much. I often feel like I'm letting my father down with that boat sitting there in the shed collecting dust, fuel going bad in the tank, and the fishing line dry rotting on the reels. Aside from needing to be serviced in a big way the boat's still in good shape but boats even sitting in a  shelter still require lots of care and I do a pretty poor job of doing it properly.

As I am sitting in the shed this morning pondering on that almost shamefully, I start reading the following scripture:

Mathew 4: 18-22

The First Disciples

18 As He was walking along the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon, who was called Peter, and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea, since they were fishermen. 19 "Follow Me," He told them, "and I will make you fish for people!" 20 Immediately they left their nets and followed Him. 21 Going on from there, He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and his brother John. They were in a boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and He called them.
22 Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed Him.

 Immediately after reading this I am given both confirmation that I should have no shame. Because my Father is certainly pleased with my actions. Which father I speak of here doesn't matter. I too have become a disciple and I thank my Lord for favoring me with the ability to do such. Feeling tired and even bitter sometimes because I don't get to do all of the things I love as much as I used to, I am sure and steady in the right path.

The butt is starting to drip and the last stars are starting to fade with the imminent rising of the sun. There will be Smoked pork, ribs, beans and boiled peanuts today in typical Webb tradition. Father is here in spirit and it is a good day.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Anyone that had a childhood that resided in the 70's may remember a TV show on Saturday mornings called The Shazam Isis Power Hour back when cartoons and kid shows didn't have their own channel. In those days Saturday was about the only time to see a cartoon other that the occasional reruns right before or after school. This particular show was a cheese filled hour that I indulged in every Saturday.
It's been some time since I've posted so I thought I'd update what's up in the cave with a little 70's flare and see if I can make it relevant.

My walk with Christ continues to mature and as I serve more, study my bible more, testify more and love more, I find less time to do other things such as Blog. I find myself spending much less time on Facebook as well. At the risk of revoking my man card I will admit I have discovered pleasure in a little on-line entity known as Pinterest. It is a source of visual inspiration, nerdy humor and endless recipes. Many evenings have been wasted giggling over Geektastic humor or salivating over some sweet dish posted by other users. In the heart of "football winter" it is easy for me to come up short for blogging content.

There has been one thing in my world that has humbled me, inspired me, blessed me and bewildered me. I am for all realistic purposes still very young in my walk with Christ.  However, the people at my church have nominated me and thus I was selected, to serve as an elder for my church. I didn't generally consider myself elder material and often I wonder what are they thinking. However I am greatly honored just to be considered and will serve to the best of my ability with everything I have to offer. Some may wonder what an elder is as did I early on. The term alone reminded me of Shazam. young Billy Batson would call upon the wisdom of "the elders" to teach some moral lesson with each episode. The elders of my church are leaders to uphold the moral values of our church vision and protectors from anything that prevents anyone from encountering Christ. So as I strive to overcome my own sinful nature I also pray upon my Father to give me the strength to be a church leader. A champion if you will.!

The elders on Shazam were portrayed as animated representations of Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury. I'm not sure how Solomon fits in with the rest of those monkeys but I suppose something had to represent wisdom as that was his "superpower". So what is my super power as an elder one might ask? Obviously I don't have any super powers ( other that my uncanny ability to smell fire ants and hymnals) but as an elder I am able to bring some things to the table even as green as I am in my walk with Christ.

First, I am no stranger to leadership and I am comfortable in that roll. I am more that happy to use my experience there to serve Jesus and His church. Sometimes elder meetings for church business are very much like meetings in the corporate world. However, job security with the Boss at church is much better as I will get to serve Him forever!

Second, I am one who will speak the truth and what is on my mind even when it isn't easy. I'm counting this as a positive although it has the potential to be a double edged sword.

Third, I have a genuine love for Jesus and His church. I am very passionate for it and will fight for it.

Fourth, I have a strong sense of people and their intentions, good or bad. I know when someone is genuine, fabricated, good or bad. Not sure if this is so important for an elder other than the protection element. This too can be a double edged sword as it could prevent me from spending time with those that NEED Jesus.

I very much dislike fake people or people who identify themselves with items or monetary value. I don't like bragging at all. Now I'm not talking about bragging on your favorite sports team. I'm talking about self idolized bragging. Sometimes good deeds are bragged on. I can understand being proud to a degree but some folks just love them some "me". Ughh!! disgusting. Makes me want to punch them in the forehead! However, these are the very people that need Jesus. They seek recognition. They seek to belong. They lack the contentment of being the adopted child of Christ. Many of them are right there in the church disguised as
Christ followers. I call those the "look how much I'm putting in the collection plate-rs". They may be the hardest nuts to crack. They might read this and not know I'm talking about them. "Amen" they might say. Amen indeed.

Nevertheless I'm an elder and I hope my God and church are well served by what I do. I often think I'm in way over my head. Am I worthy? People voted me in. Does Christ not validate me? When I go to an elder meeting I am surrounded my some of the most Godly, admirable men I've ever encountered. I can't believe I stand among them. One thing I feel very inferior about is prayer. I never prayed in front of anyone before a couple years ago. I know God hears it all the same when from the heart but man when we go into prayer these guys can pray! Immaculate flow!( for you gangstas that means Mad Flow) If they were rappers I'd be in the company of Snoop Dawg, Tupac, Easy E, etc.  I get fired up listening to them pray and then when it gets around to me I make whoopee cushion sounds and spit all over the person in front of me. What an honor to be with these men. Praise Jesus for putting a bozo like me among them.